If you are thinking about MARRIAGE, this would be a great series to watch. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHZgDhEo_VzkS-H0HdGdRXC9zEy6gP1tBThere are so many views about marriage and Proverbs 31.Pro 31:1 The words of… »
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Leaving Captivity aka Exodus
Genesis 15:13-16 SlaveryGenesis 17:7-4 Abrahamic CovenantGenesis 19:17 Sodom and GomorrahGenesis 35:10-12 Abrahamic CovenantGenesis 41:56-57 FamineGenesis 50:24 Moshe ProphecyExodus 4:22-23 Yah's OrderExodus 6:3-8 A… »
Yah's true children are of truth and right doing; can you handle or accept Biblical supported truth, without offense !!
Finally, only Hebrews Obedient to all Yah's Commandments shall enter Mount-Zion, Read Deut ch4 vs 27 to vs 31 again; Deut ch 31 vs 29; Deut ch 11 vs 26 to vs 28 (choose for a Curse or a Blessing) These latter days a… »
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Exodus 21:10 vs Isaiah 4:1
A man must provide for his woman, or set her free! This was written in... Exodus 21:10 If he take him another wife; her meat, her covering, and her covenant agreement, shall he not diminish. 11And if he do not these thre… »
Be Safe! Caution
Shalom, PRE-SCREENING This site does its best to pre-screen everyone. However, it is up to you, the member, to do the final screening of anyone you are interested in getting to know. Evil people can lurk among us without… »
Dowry & the 5 Stages of Marriage
Dowry & the 5 Stages of Marriage Abraham sought a wife for Isaac among his people. There was no one near Abraham from his people that he could seek a wife for Isaac. Being too old to travel and knowing the promises of Ya… »
Don't Choose "Hagar" over "Sarah"
Israelites Don't Choose "Hagar" over "Sarah" Yah's Singles is indeed for Everyone who calls on the name of Yah; the Alaheym of Abraham, Isaac, and Yacob. That doesn't mean that you should marry outside your people. We ar… »
We are Cleaning “House”
Shalom This site is cleaning out the wicked that is among us and is requiring everyone to review and update their profile ONLY AFTER WATCHING the videos on front page of the site about the whoredoms being committed by Is… »
Forgotten Stages of Marriage
Forgotten Stages of Marriage according to Torah law YouTube (1 min)Watch Video Here Facts If you didn't do one stage according to this video, you may not be married. You need to do what is required. Many men lie and say… »