Forgotten Stages of Marriage
Forgotten Stages of Marriage according to Torah law
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If you didn't do one stage according to this video, you may not be married. You need to do what is required. Many men lie and say having sex makes you married, but that is sadly not where the lies end.
It's a deception. Having sex without getting the father's permission is unlawful. Men are required to ask the father for permission to marry a woman because having sex doesn't make you married. Why not?
The father has the right of refusal. If this isn't true, what is a Betrothed woman?
It is a woman who has a contract/covenant with a man and she belongs to him. If she sleeps with a man that is not her husband, she is an adulteress. A woman not Betrothed to a man can NEVER be labeled as an adulteress if she sleeps with a man other than the person she is with. She might be a hoe but not an adulteress. A woman without a contract and a father's permission (marriage proof is required) is a concubine and not a wife. Translators lied to you.
There are no whores allowed among Yah's people. Yet, women are making themselves into whores by playing the whore in their father's house.
If he never gave her away, she is in his house and authority. Thus, if she has sex before marriage, she is playing a whore. Don't allow brothers to trick you into thinking having sex makes you married.
Just ask them. How does a woman play a whore in her father's house?
They will have to admit, that when a woman leaves her father's house without his permission she is a whore and also admit having sex doesn't make you married. Having sex without your father's approval and exchange via dowry and covenant makes you a glorified whore but you don't even get paid.
Why devalue yourself? Even if a man makes an Ex prostitute his wife, there was a dowry. Hosea chapter 3.

- 12 Nov, 2017
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