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Exodus 21:10 vs Isaiah 4:1

Exodus 21:10 vs Isaiah 4:1

A man must provide for his woman, or set her free! This was written in...

Exodus 21:10

  • If he take him another wife; her meat, her covering, and her covenant agreement, shall he not diminish. 11And if he do not these three unto her, then shall she go out free without money.

Women in the Future, will propose to men and Release their obligations to support them. This was written in...

Isaiah 4:1

In that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, “We will eat our own food and provide our own clothes; only let us be called by your name. Take away our disgrace!”

Women are doing Isaiah 4:1 right now, to some extent, by helping men support the family and working, then coming home and cooking and cleaning. They are also some women who are expecting to get support as traditional wives. Which is correct for our times?

The answer is easy, both! If you are a high-value woman, and you have not polluted your body and you kept yourself undefiled and clean. Then you should seek a man who is willing and capable to pay dowry and to provide support to you and the children he would have with you. Women need support. The alternative is a messy house, no dinner and kids in daycare. If you are a high-value man, you would value your children and wife and get a woman who is going to stay home and cook and clean and provide support to the children you have with her. This is most women's dream to fulfill this role. This will make most women happy!

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For example:


A woman who was married then divorced and only slept with one man in her life, is clean. She did not live an unhonorable life. She can remarry and she should get financial support as well as dowry or an engagement gift.


However, a woman who had multiple men and never married is a woman living in sin. She should propose to a man and tell him she will provide for herself, just take away the reproach of her life of being a promiscuous woman. A man willing to take a wife who has been defiled, well, should get a discount. Which man doesn't agree?


A woman who is a virgin or someone who kept themselves as an honorable woman should find a man who is able and willing to provide. Why would you go out like a woman who played the whore? You know who you are. I am not judging you. Think of your daughters and be humble! What would you want for her?


Now, let me play devil's advocate. A woman who lived a whorish life can convince a man to support her and pay her dowry. If she is able to do that, more power to her. Many women in our days are doing just that because they are beautiful and maybe even successful.

In Hosea 3;2, Hosea paid dowry for his wife and she was a whore. Woman who were virgins and whores in the scriptures all received dowry.


What about the Proverbs 30 woman? Her price is far above rubies.

A woman who is a powerhouse and has talents and brings money in and will do traditional womanly duties, surely is worth a high dowry and support even if she previously led a shameful life in her past. What I am telling you is ... A man can marry a woman who will provide for herself and he does not have to give her financial support. There is no sin in not supporting a woman, if that is the contract she set up for herself, though it would not be one I would recommend! If a woman proposes to a man, then why would she expect dowry? She wouldn't.

Yah's Singles will allow all of these types of people to come forth and find true love centered around Yahuah and keeping his commandments. All we ask is that you be honest and tell us what you are about.

Men will you support your wife or are you looking for Isaiah 4:1 a woman who are less than desirable due to their past, but you are willing to take them on.

Women, if you are ok with not getting dowry and will provide or help a man with financial support, come on down and sign up for a free profile.

Women if you are traditional and you expect a man to support you and give you dowry. This site was made for you. We want more woman who know their value and protect it by being righteous and true. Men are looking for quality women and they are willing to give dowry and financial support. If you are a quality woman, don't go for free. A man who values you, will show that value in precious stones or metals.

Read my book "The Origins and Traditions of Marriage" by visiting